"LGBT community and allies,
My name is Jane, I am a reporter from 429Magazine (an LGBT magazine) based in San Francisco. I cover any and all transgender news and stories and am currently working on two different pieces.
I am calling for submissions of stories of transition: stories of people who identify as transgender and/or transexual and would like to tell their story--any aspect of it. I am hoping to collect enough stories, with the intention of eventually writing a book based on a series of transgender stories. I am looking for any and all transgender stories which transcend age, race, and class, in hopes of writing a book which celebrates: transition, ambiguity, change, difference, and self-awareness. Written submissions are welcome, and/or an interview can be arranged.
Additionally, I am writing a separate piece on transgender business owners, with the idea in mind of writing a series of profiles on the owners and their organizations.
If you or someone you know would like to participate in one or both of these projects please reply to this email or feel free to call me.
Thank you in advance for your help. Can't wait to hear your stories!
(Please forward this to anyone who may have a story!)
Best wishes,
Jane Eisner
Editorial Associate, 429Magazine
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